NiSi Master Kit fyrir Ricoh GR IIIx

18.990 kr.

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NiSi Master Kit For Ricoh GR IIIx

Includes a Lens adapter, which can be mount on the camera safetly and remain on, even when the camera is in Off or Playback position. (Lens retracted) This means your filter system will be safe on the camera in all positions.

The Filterholder is mounted on the adapter with a 49mm filter thread. Filterholder can hold up to 2 filters at same time, without any vinjetting. Can be rotated 360 degrees

Ring Caps:
One ring in “Rose Red” and one in Silver, to use instead of the black original ring, on your Ricoh GR IIIx.

Square filters:
NiSi Polarization; provides increased color saturation and contrast, and reduces reflexes in eg. water surfaces and window glass. Suitable for use to enhance the tone and shades of the sky, and is essential especially for landscape photography. Polarization filter is irreplaceable as it is difficult to digitally reproduce.

NiSi IRND8 filter; is specially designed for landscape photographers, and extends the exposure time by 3 stops. This filter is made of high quality optical glass with nano coating to give a fantastic detail richness

NiSi IRND64 filter; is specially designed for landscape photographers, and extends the exposure time by 6 stops. This filter is made of high quality optical glass with nano coating to give a fantastic detail richness

NiSi Soft Graded ND8 filter is densest at the edge and brightens to clear in the middle, with a gradual soft transition between the dense and clear area. This Soft filter often used when background is without hard outlines. Neutral density filters do not affect the color of the image. The filter can be moved in the holder, which allows you to compose the image for best results.

NiSi Medium Graded ND8 filter is densest at the edge and brightens to clear in the middle, with a gradual transition between the dense and clear area. Neutral density filters do not affect the color of the image. The filter can be moved in the holder, which allows you to compose the image for best results.

This Master kit including:
1x Lens Adapter 1x Rose Red ring cap
1x Silver ring cap 1x Filter Holder
1x Polarizer Filter
1x IRND8 Filter
1x IRND64 Filter
1x Medium GND8 Filter
1x Soft GND8 Filter 1x Pouch

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