Nitecore Universal Charger D2EU

6.990 kr.

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This charger is compatible with IMR,LiFePO4, Li-ion, Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries. It is able to intelligently and safely charge small capacity batteries.

The charger has a revolutionary upgrade for IMR batteries. With extreamly low internal resistnace, IMR batteries may be overcharged when charged in a regular Li-ion charger. To adress this problem the D2 charger incorporates an optimized IMR charging system that is able to monitor the entire charging process, ensuring end voltage is always within safe limits which ultimatley helps extend battery life.

Charges following sizes and chemistries:

  • IMR/Li-Ion/LiFePO4 26650,22650,18650,18350,18490,18500,17670,17500,14500,10440,16340 (RCR123)
  • Ni-Mh/Ni-Cd AA, AAA, AAAA, C

This charges has an integrated microprocessor that automatically identifies battery types and selects appropriate charging voltage and current. It automatically detects battery status and select the appropriate charge mode (CC, CV and dV/dt)

When charging is comlete, all five battery indicator bars stop flashing and illuminate steadily while “Chg. finisg” appers in the display.

The D2 charger is optimized with a charging mode for LiFEPO4 batteries and has a highly visible & intutive liquid crystal display. Here you easily see the charging voltage, charging current, cahrging time and more.

Dimensions: 143x74x36mm Weight: 168g (without batteries and power cord)

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