Vlink2 Kit2, 2.4GHz Two Way-Communication Wireless Microphone System (2xTX+RX)

74.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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  • Saramonic Vlink2 er fjölhæft og auðvelt í notkun 2,4 GHz þráðlaust hljóðnemakerfi fyrir útsendingar, viðtöl og vettvangsupptökur.
  • Vlink2 býður upp á rauntíma talkback, þráðlaust hljóðnemakerfi með tvíhliða samskiptum.

The Saramonic Vlink2 is a versatile and easy-to-use 2.4 GHz wireless microphone system for news broadcast, interviews and field recording. The whole system is perfect for DSLRs, Mirrorless and all types of cameras, portable audio recorders and smartphones with 3.5mm microphone input. Featuring real-time talkback and monitoring functions, Vlink2 supports efficient two-way communication between the transmitter and the receiver, while only recording the sound from the transmitter. Both the transmitter and receiver can achieve real-time talkback communication with each other, listen and talk to the other side simultaneously. Besides, monitoring in real-time ensures the security of recording audio.

**Vlink2 RX Portable Receiver ** The Saramonic Vlink2 RX is a camera-mountable dual-channel 2.4GHz wireless receiver. It features a high-contrast OLED display and talkback function to the transmitter. The two detachable antennas can be rotated 360° for better reception. The receiver’s output can be toggled between mono and stereo modes. The talkback and monitor function on the receiver allows camera operators to select individually if desired, and communication can be controlled by a mute button.

**Body-pack Transmitter Vlink2 TX ** The Saramonic Vlink2 TX is a compact body-pack transmitter. It features an easy-to-read OLED display, a detachable antenna and a built-in rechargeable battery. With the 3.5mm headphone and mic input jacks, it can accept audio from the included 3.5mm locking mic, and supports efficient two-way communication with the receiver. A short press of the power button mutes the mic between takes.

Key Features

  • Delivers professional broadcast-quality sound
  • Real-time talkback communication between the transmitter and the receiver
  • Real-time monitoring on both the transmitter and the receiver
  • Mono/Stereo mode switchable
  • Vivid high-contrast OLED display
  • Detachable and 360°switchable antenna
  • Built-in rechargeable battery
  • Single ear headphone included for the receiver

Packing list

  • Transmitter (2)
  • Receiver (1)
  • DK3 Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone Kit (2)
  • Headphone (talkback and monitoring function) (1)
  • USB-C Charging Cable (3)
  • 3.5mm TRS Locking-type Plug Audio Cable for Cameras (1)
  • 3.5mm TRRS Locking-type Plug Audio Cable for Smartphone (1)
  • Cold Shoe Mount Adapter (1)
  • Detachable Antenna (4)
  • Belt clip (3)
  • Hard Protective Case (1)

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