Aputure Electro Storm XT 26 PCE CEE plug

1.699.990 kr.

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The Most Powerful
The Electro Storm XT26 is a 2600W high-output point-source LED fixture with dynamic white CCT and tint control. Designed for professionals, it features dual accessory mounts, professional connectivity methods, G/M tint control, advanced liquid-cooling technology, and an IP65 dust & water-resistant construction.
At 2,600W of intense power output, the Electro Storm XT26 approaches the brightness of industry-standard 12,000W tungsten Fresnels and 4,000W HMIs, making it one of the most powerful point-source LEDs on the market to date.
The all-new Aputure Electro Storm XT26 with INFINIBAR LED fixtures in the background.Dual Accessory Mount
The Electro Storm XT26 is one of the most adaptable fixtures on the market, featuring both the universal Bowens Mount and all-new electronic Aputure Mount compatibility. Whether used with existing Bowens Mount modifiers, all-new Aputure Mount Reflectors, or the all-new F14 Fresnel, the Electro Storm XT26 is designed with higher stability, durability, and optimization for heavy-duty modifiers.
  • 1 x Electro Storm XT26
  • 1 x Removable Yoke for Electro Storm XT26
  • 1 x Electro Storm XT26 Control Box
  • 1 x Electro Storm XT26 Control Box Handcart
  • 1 x Electro Storm XT26 Head Cable (7.5m)
  • 1 x AC Power Cable for Electro Storm XT26 (6m)
  • 1 x Aputure Mount 35º Reflector (Electro Storm CS15 / Electro Storm XT26)

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