Aputure MC Pro 8-Light Kit EU

369.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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Væntanlegt í byrjun Maí.
The MC Pro 8-Light Kit is a lighting kit designed for professionals and rental houses that stores & charges 8 5W RGBWW lensed mini LED panel lights and features Lumen Radio CRMX & a durable IP65 construction. Based on the original Aputure MC,the MC Pro utilizes a similar compact, credit card-sized form factor while packing in a comprehensive suite of professional functionalities. With various magnetic mounting solutions & accessories and wireless control methods (Sidus Link & CRMX), the MC Pro shines as a fixture that can be placed and operated virtually anywhere.
The 8-Light Kit expands the flexibility of the multifunctional MC Pro with not only 8 times the number of fixtures, but additional sets of magnetized modifiers, mounting accessories, including 1⁄4-20in Articulating Arm to Clamp Adapters and 1⁄4-20in Screw to Baby Pin Adapters. Featuring a drop-in design, the 8-Light Kit charges using the contact pins.
  • 8x MC Pro
  • 8x MC Pro Flat Diffuser
  • 8x MC Pro Dome Diffuser
  • 8x MC Pro 30o Light Control Grid
  • 4x Cold Shoe Ball Head
  • 4x 1/4-20in Screw to Magnetic Plate Adapter
  • 4x 1/4-20in Screw to Baby Pin Adapter
  • 4x 1/4-20in Articulating Arm to Clamp Adapter
  • 2x USB Type-C Charger Cable
  • 32x Adhesive Magnetic Plate
  • 1x Locking IEC C13 AC Power Cable
  • 1x D-Tap to D-Tap Power Cable
  • 1x MC Pro 8-Light Charging Case

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