Kupo 229MB High View Stand – Black

159.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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It is equipped with a 3/8”-16 thread mounting plate on top, so that a tripod ball head can be mounted to it. A steel tether is also attached to the stand for an extra level of security while a camera is high in the air.

Eyelets in the top plate can also be utilized to tether the top of the stand to the ground using guy wires (not included).

The High View features 5 risers and 6 column sections allowing for mounting a camera or lighting accessory, anywhere between 1.9m and 7.3m.

For an extra level of stability, the center column can be lowered independently of the legs and hardware. This allows for a fourth point of contact with the ground with minimal effort. Each leg also has its own adjustment built in to ensure stable set up on uneven ground.

  • The perfect tool for real estate, event, landscape and school photographers
  • Each leg also has its own adjustment built in to ensure stable set up on uneven ground.
  • A steel tether is attached to the stand for an extra level of security while camera is high in the air
  • Max height: 7.3m / Max load: 10 kg
  • Equipped with a 3/8″-16 thread mounting plate on top, so you can mount a tripod ball head to it

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