335.000 kr.13.500.000 kr.

Rental-grade inflatable mat lighting in a wide range of sizes.

Mat lights are a struggle on set. They’re fragile, fiddly, and require time and labor to use. With INFINIMAT, Aputure introduces a ruggedized mat family designed to be lightweight, powerful, and infinitely versatile.

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Double the Output

The INFINIMATs are significantly higher in brightness than competitors of the same size, some double the intensity. The increased output makes the INFINIMATs more useful in a variety of production settings, even daylight.


One Controller, Infinite Options

INFINIMAT Control Boxes are universal to the family, making swapping sizes or powering arrays on set simple and quick. Control up to 3 INFINIMATs with the 400W Control Box, and up to 5 mats with the 1600W box.


Infinite Shapes, Minimal Size

INFINIMATs can be used with or without the airbag, strapped in place or mounted to their frames. The airbags quickly inflate/deflate and the lights take up less space on set compared to traditional diffused setups such as book lights. Even the 20×20 is quicker to set up than a standard overhead rig. When not in use, the INFINIMATs pack down small for storage.


Pixel Control at Scale

All INFINIMATs are color tunable and are configured in 1×2 or 2×2 pixels. The INFINIMAT pixels can be controlled over DMX systems for active motion effects.


Rental Grade Construction

INFINIMATs are designed to last. IP65 weather protection means a sealed system, which also includes metal backing plates for heat dispersion, rigidity, and physical protection for the LEDs. The internal design of the mats and control box are modular for easy service.


Ultra Low Dimming

The INFINIMATs utilize a dual-dimming internal control system which allows them to dim to extremely low levels without color shift and with fine gradients for a smooth transition. Dimming to as low as 0.1% is possible, up to ten times dimmer than the competition.


Portable Travel Kits

INFINIMATs can store inside their travel cases for shipping and when on set can be staged in their included zipper bags, taking up little space while ready for use. On the 4×4 and smaller sizes the airbag stores deflated on the mat, saving setup time and storage space.

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