Quasar Science Double Rainbow Linear LED Light 2″

179.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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Quasar Science Double Rainbow Linear LED Light – UK – Available in: 2ft and 4ft. 0.7B Firmware now available click here for more information
Here is the list of new features and fixes in the latest firmware:
VRGB DMX Profiles – Pixel Mapping profiles of VRGB and RGBVW – with Global Parameters to set the Color Space and White Point
TimoTwo Update over USB
sACN Priorities – For using multiple sACN Controllers on a lighting Network
Extra Dimming Steps to Low End of Manual Dimming
Fixture Number Abilities
Auto Lead/Follow Pairing – When paired to a leader, light will auto set to follow
IP Preset Addresses for easier setting of Static IP
The Double Rainbow (RR) Linear LED, with its two rows of high fidelity RGBX pixels, creates realistic lighting…

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