Easyrig 5 Vario GimbalRig

679.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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The Vario 5 is a versatile, all-round solution no matter what setup you have. One adjustable Easyrig to fit your needs.

Adjustable weight range

By adjusting the tension with the provided allen key, the Vario 5 can be tuned to match your exact camera setup ranging from 5-17 kg (11-38 lbs).

Fits all cameras

The Vario 5 can be attached to any camera as long as it has a camera handle due to our easy-to-use camera hook.

Standard setup includes:

  1. Support bar
  2. Camera hook
  3. Vest with breathable material
  4. Power pack
  5. Adjustable vest stabilizer
  6. Manual
  7. Transport bag

Vario 5 Strong

If you feel that the standard Vario 5 doesn’t quite cut it for you, a stronger and reinforced version is available. It can lift setups ranging from 10-25 kg (22-55 lbs).

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