KCP-653 3-Axis Camera Mounting Plate Kit

51.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Features three couplers – two couplers with a 14cm long 2″ pipe, and the other coupler with a camera mounting plate which allows for greater flexibility in positioning the camera. Perfect for mounting on a pipe boom rig or truss for overhead filming.

Constructed from lightweight and solid aluminum alloy.

  • Designed for mounting a camera on a pipe or truss 48-51mm in diameter.
  • Perfect for mounting on a pipe boom rig or truss for overhead filming
  • Features three couplers – two couplers with a 14cm long 2″ wide pipe, and the other coupler with a camera mounting plate. This allows for greater flexibility in positioning the * camera
  • Camera plate features six standard 3/8″ holes, spaced every 1″, making it compatible for mounting to most industry-standard cheese plates
  • Constructed from lightweight and solid aluminum alloy

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