Sachtler System Video 18 FlowTech MS

1.699.990 kr.

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The Video 18 has been helping people get amazing results all over the world for decades. It can support a payload of up to 22 kg and is a perfect fit for a wide range of video projects. This operational versatility is added to by 16-steps of counterbalance and seven steps of pan and tilt drag, which allows you to work intuitively safe in the knowledge that movement will always be smooth and seamless.

The Touch & Go quick release camera plate and sliding balance platform mean that once you’ve clicked your camera into place, the entire platform adjusts to balance your setup. The Sachtler Speedbalance technology provides lightning fast weight compensation, making the Video 18 S2 a time-saver as well as a reliable part of your gear.

For shoots where you need to balance quick setup, easy transport, support and stability, the Sachtler flowtech® 100 MS Carbon Fibre Tripod is a valuable addition to your gear. The unique design gives each leg individual adjustment while releasing and locking together, meaning setting up on any surface is as easy as releasing a catch. The ergonomic design makes the tripod light and comfortable to carry, no matter where your creativity takes you.

Weighing only 4.1 kg, the Sachtler flowtech® 100 MS can support a payload of up to 30 kg and extend to a maximum height of 155 cm. This versatility and flexibility are matched by high levels of stability so you can be sure that you’ll always be able to get the shot you are looking for. When you are ready to move on, the legs all lock together with a single mechanism to save you even more time and energy.

Its predecessor has been helping people get amazing results all over the world for decades. Now, the winning formula is being improved by the Sachtler Video 18 S2 Fluid Head, which can support a payload of up to 22 kg and is a perfect fit for a wide range of video projects. This operational versatility is added to by 16-steps of counterbalance and seven steps of pan and tilt drag, which allows you to work intuitively safe in the knowledge that movement will always be smooth and seamless.

The Touch & Go quick release camera plate and sliding balance platform mean that once you’ve clicked your camera into place, the entire platform adjusts to balance your setup. The Sachtler Speedbalance technology provides lightning fast weight compensation, making the Video 18 S2 a time-saver as well as a reliable part of your gear.

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