Smallrig 3918 Magic FIZ Wireless Follow

139.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

The Wireless Handwheel Controller has a 1400mAh battery and lasts up to 20 hours, but when working with Wireless Handgrip, will last up to 40 hours.
It, alongside electronic control module, comes with power-failure memory function that spares you from repeated lens calibration and AB point settings, thus improving shooting efficiency.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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1: Φ49/52/55/58/62/67/72/77/82/86mm thread on DSLR camera lenses and Φ80/85/90/95/114mm cine lenses (outer diameter)
2: Φ15mm rail support system
3: M0.8 lens and follow focus gear ring
4: Not compatible with non-SmallRig wireless follow focus system
5: LP-E6 and NP-F batteries
6: PD / QC fast charging protocol
7: NATO rail and ARRI mount 8: Cameras with REC function

Package Includes:
1 x Wireless Handwheel Controller
1 x Wireless Handgrip
1 x Electronic Controller Module
2 x Wireless Receiver Motor
2 x Battery Plate
1 x Handgrip Adapter
1 x Shoulder Rig Adapter
1 x Monitor Adapter
1 x Φ15mm Rod
1 x Rod Clamp with NATO rail
2 x Snap-on Follow Focus Gear Ring
1 x USB-C to USB-C Cable
1 x Follow Focus Marking Disk (Silicone)
1 x Spanner
1 x User Manual
1 x Carrying Bag

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