Data Video HS-2200 Streaming Studio

1.200.000 kr.

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HD 6-Channel Portable Mobile Cast Video Studio

Cost-effective and portable. Perfect for productions using multiple IMAG screens
The HS-2200 comes with 6 configurable SDI video outputs. Ideal for live production venues, religious worship, meetings or conference purposes. It’s perfect for sending video to multiple IMAG screens or display monitors.

6 inputs, 6 outputs. Support for medium to large productions.
With 6 HDMI and SDI inputs, the HS-2200 has convenient support for most cameras and video input devices, like computers. Coupled with 6 outputs, the HS-2200 is an affordable choice for supporting large productions.

Build in Intercom System
Built in 8 Channel Intercom/Talkback system (4 x belt packs supplied).

17.3” LED Backlit Monitor
Built-in Monitor Display. 17.3” HD TFT LED backlit monitor with resolution 1600×900 pix.

Dual PIP and a built-in title creator system
Works with Datavideo CG systems, PowerPoint and other graphics programs perfectly.

Professional 10-bit processing switcher
Providing you the best and professional quality of video processing.

Real-time clock featuring HH:MM:SS on the multi-screen
Count down counter MM:SS.

In the box:

  • 1 x HS-2200 Unit
  • 1 x AD Switch DC 12V with AC Cord
  • 1 x CB-41 / XLR to XLR Cable
  • 4 x CB-3 / XLR cable
  • 1 x USB Light
  • 1 x Goose neck MIC
  • 4 x Headphone Microphone
  • 4 x ITC-100SL
  • 4 x Tally light
  • 4 x Velcro

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