Datavideo HS-1600T Streaming Studio

1.150.000 kr.

Til á lager / netverslun.

Til á lager / netverslun.

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(m.v. mán)


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Made with HDBaseT Technology

Camera connections typically require one cable for video, a second cable for power, and a third for control. However, the HS-1600T Mark II can do all of the above, using only one ethernet cable for each camera. This increase in flexibility dramatically reduces setup time, and now you can mount the camera in challenging locations (like spots without nearby power outlets).

Built-in H.264 recorder for SD cards

The HS-1600T Mark II comes with a built-in, web-ready recorder. Insert your SD card, and you will have video files that are ready to upload immediately to the video network of your choice – or your website.

Dual Stream encoder to Facebook Live, YouTube, Twitch, and more

With the built-in H.264 streaming encoder, you can stream your show to two different streaming platforms at once.

Built-in camera control

The HS-1600T Mark II’s next-generation design saves you time, money, and table space, with its built-in camera control interface for up to three Datavideo PTZ cameras. (Works with PTC-140T and PTC-150TL).

17.3″ LED Backlit Monitor

The unit has a 17.3″ HD TFT built-in LED-backlit monitor with a resolution of 1920×1080.

Variety of video and audio input/output

  • 4 video inputs: RJ-45 x 3 + HDMI x 1
  • 4 video outputs: HDMI x 3
  • Audio inputs: XLR Analogue x 2 + RCA Analogue (L/R) x 2

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