Datavideo MS-2850G Mobile Production

3.400.000 kr.

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HD/SD 8/12-Channel Mobile Video Studio

Version G comes with: SE-2850, TLM-170VM, ITC-100, HDR-70, AD-100M, PD-6.

Datavideo MS-2850 HD/SD mobile video studio series is a ready to go solution. It is designed around the SE-2850 HD/SD 8-channel (upgradeable to 12 channels) broadcast- quality video switcher. It is perfect for outdoor events, conferences, education, places of worship and many more applications. Producing superb quality pictures with versatile input/output configurations, the SE-2850 also has powerful, easy to use effects, such as dual picture in picture, downstream keyer (DSK) and logo insertion.

The switcher is integrated with the essential elements required for live production including a recorder, a multi-view monitor and an intercom system.

MS-2850 B/D are equipped with the Datavideo VSM-100 Sampling Vector Scope Monitor which allows you to accurately analyze and calibrate video signals to ensure consistent video color and luminance levels.


  • All-in-one solution: The MS-2850 series includes intercom, recorder, monitor and power supply. This mobile video studio is ideal for productions that require blending a variety of video and audio sources.
  • Complete Power System Integration: With a complete power system in the MS-2850 series, the producer can arrive on location, switch on and begin creating great live content. Set up, configuration and operation are fast and intuitive.
  • Up to 12 Channels Switcher: Great to use at live broadcast of events and news programs.
  • Supports up to 1080p60 (input) / 1080p30 (output)
  • Automatic input resolution scaling
  • Mobile OB Van: The small form factor and portable rack unit suits outdoor live production and other applications really well.
  • Available in 6 versions
  • Standard version (MS-2850A/MS-2850C)
  • Completed version (MS-2850B/MS-2850D) with VSM-100
  • The system divide into two audio delay unit: AD-100M / AD-200
  • The system configuration contains below devices:
  • SE-2850: HD/SD 8/12 channel digital video switcher
  • TLM-170LM: 17” 1U rackmount LCD monitor
  • HDR-70: HD-SDI 4:2:2 I frame only recorder
  • ITC-100: 8 Channel talkback unit with integrated bi-color tally system
  • PD-2A / PD-6A: Power Distribution Center with automatic AC to DC fall over switch
  • 8U flight case: Impact protective for secure and safe transport.

In the box

  • 1x MS-2850 product
  • 4x ITC-100SL (Bag)
  • 4x Tally LED TD-3
  • 4x Headphone
  • 1x Goose neck MIC
  • 1x Goose neck LED light
  • 4x XLR Cable + CON 20M
  • 4x GPI Cable Stereo 1.2M
  • 1x AC Power Cord
  • 1x Y type USB cable
  • 5x 120mm cable tie
  • 10x 200mm cable tie1x
  • 1x Y type 2 pin MOLEX cable
  • 2x 2.5″ HDD enclosure
  • 10x Screw M3*4mm
  • 10x Anti-vibration screw + M5*10 washer
  • 2x ISO screw 2*6mm
  • 2x HD sticker
  • 4x Blank sticker
  • 4x Black Velcro 36cm
  • 1x CG-200 Utility CD w/ CD Bag

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