Datavideo RMC-300A Multi PTZ camera

269.990 kr.

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Universal Remote Control Panel

A Multi-functional Multi-camera Controller
Datavideo RMC-300A is a multi-functional Multi-camera Controller. It is able to control up to 24 PTZ and block cameras by Ethernet or up to 8 cameras by serial port RS- 422 transmission. The RMC-300A is versatile to control Datavideo PTZ cameras and Robotic Head to set up the parameters via RS-422 or DVIP, and also capable of controlling Datavideo recorder and switcher up to 12 channels. With the combination of friendly user interface on 5” panel and hardware buttons, RMC-300A enable users to manage heavy EFP workflow without haste.

User friendly interface on 5 inch LCD touch panel
5 inch LCD touch panel design and RGB backlight buttons to help you better recognition for multi- function operation. This provides the operator great feedback during operation.

Control 24 cameras
Designed to control up to 24 cameras, with preset memory for easy camera control. Able to control up to 24 Datavideo PTZ camera, robotic camera heads and block cameras simultaneously, 7 presets for each camera to operate with RGB backlight buttons.

LCD displays GUI for Operability and Visibility
Our graphical LCD displays support buttons, and advanced setting. The combine large buttons and labels with different levels of detail using. Easy access all the cameras setting, and call back your favorite settings such as Shutter, Focus, IRIS, Gain, Zoom, and movement speeds.

Professional use
One man control of Pan, Tilt, and Zoom is possible with the 2-axis Joystick and the zoom knob. Using the controller is an easy job with a well thought out button layout. Easy access all the cameras setting in the OSD, and call back your favorite settings such as Shutter, Focus, IRIS, Gain, Zoom, and movement speeds.

Remote Control via Ethernet or serial port RS-422
The RMC-300A can control PTZ and block cameras, as well as robotic camera heads such as the Datavideo PTR-10 by using the ethernet DVIP or RS-422 interfaces. Up to 8 RS-422 cameras can be connected at the same time. Remote control of select switchers will be a future feature.

Tally signal supported
The RMC-300A is designed for professional live production use. With the 24 camera control simultaneously with tally signal output, compatible with all Datavideo tally lights.

Zoom knob and lock button
For the camera to zoom in/out, and the Lock button to help you secure the position of the joystick and the zoom knob.

Speed settings for PTZ control
Pan/Tilt/Zoom speed can be fixed at fast, middle, and slow speed.

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