Leica APO-Summicron-SL 75mm f/2 ASPH.

795.000 kr.

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Vörunúmer: 11178
Street, portrait, or whatever catches your eye: Conceived as a universal lens for all situations, the APO-Summicron-SL 75 f/2 ASPH. opens up new horizons for photography in the transitional zone between standard and telephoto focal lengths. It is perfectly matched to the modern SL-System and has been conceived for a long working life under professional shooting conditions. In addition to this, the maximum achievable reproduction ratio of 1:5 contributes even more to the versatility of the lens. Það helsta:
  • Leica SL-Mount linsa
  • Ljósop f/2 til f/22
  • Fókussvið: 0,5 m til ∞
  • Sjálfvirkur fókus
  • Fjöldi linsa/hópa: 11/9
  • Stærð: 73 x 102 mm
  • Þyngd: 700 g
  • Sía/síuþráður: E67

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