Leica Elmarit-M 28 f/2.8 ASPH – Svört

379.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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Vörunúmer: 11677
A brilliant lens
This Elmarit is the most compact lens in the entire portfolio of Leica M-Lenses. This is made possible by the use of an aspherical lens element, which enables particularly compact lens construction and a weight of only 180 grams. This makes the Elmarit-M a firm favourite with street and reportage photographers. Every scene can be composed to perfection thanks to a rectangular, full-metal lens hood with a screw mount that can be replaced by a screw-in protector ring when not in use.
Það helsta:
  • Leica M-Mount linsa
  • Ljósop f/2,8 til f/16
  • Fókussvið: 0,7 m til ∞
  • Manual fókus
  • Fjöldi linsa/hópa: 8/6
  • Stærð: 30,7 mm
  • Þyngd: 175 g
  • Sía/síuþráður: E39

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