Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH
899.990 kr.

Leica Summilux-M 21mm f/1.4 ASPH.
1.250.000 kr.
Leica Summilux-M 28mm f/1.4 ASPH.

1.100.000 kr.
Til á lager / netverslun.
Til á lager / netverslun.
Fast aperture and unmistakable
The Summilux-M 1:1,4/28mm ASPH. is the first Leica lens which combines such a high aperture and focal length. It completes the high speed prime lens family. Thanks to its high sharpness in the focal plane and low depth of field, the image quality of this Summilux lens is unmistakable. In this way the subjects can be isolated from their surroundings with crystal clarity to create images with a unique visual signature. This makes it ideal for reportage photography and also for architecture and landscapes. The lens provides excellent imaging performance in all lighting situations. Notwithstanding these features it remains the perfect compact sized companion.Það helsta:
- Leica M-Mount linsa
- Ljósop f/1,4 til f/16
- Fókussvið: 0,70 m til ∞
- Manual fókus
- Fjöldi linsa/hópa: 10/7
- Stærð: 61 x 67 mm
- Þyngd: 440 g
- Sía/síuþráður: E49
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