Sirui Anamorphic Lens 1,33x 50mm 1.8 MFT

129.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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Sirui Anamorphic linsa – 1,33x 50mm f/1,8 fyrir micro four thirds

Sirui linsan er hönnuð fyrir kvikmyndagerðafólk fyrir sína einstöku sjónrænu eiginleika til að búa til breið rétthyrnd hlutföll og langa lárétta  ljósgeisla (flares) ásamt fallegu bokeh. Frábær linsa sem gerir kvikmyndagerðafólki kleift að komast á hagstæðan máta inn í Anamorphic tökur.

Brennivídd 50mm
Ljósop Hámark: f/1,8
Lámark: f/16
Fókuskerfi Manual
Format (APS-C) Crop / Super 35mm
Hristivörn Nei
Mesta fóksufjarlægð
næst viðfangsefni
0,85 metrar
Linsubygging 11 þættir í 8 hópum
Filter stærð 67mm
Stærð á linsu 106,6
Þyngd 560 grömm

Dynamic Cinematic 2.4:1 Videos After de-squeezed, the 50mm F1.8 camera lens produces smooth Cinematic 2.4:1 videos in a 16:9 setting.

Distinctive horizontal flare to give a touch of sci-fi look Built with a precision optical structure and multi-layer Nano coatings, SIRUI 50mm 1.33x Anamorphic camera lens will deliver the distinctive horizontal flare, which is difficult to achieve using normal lens or through post-production.

Oval Bokeh Effect With a simple turn of the F1.8 lens aperture ring, you can optimize the depth of view to create oval bokeh effect to give your work a more cinematic look.

SIRUI Anamorphic Lens 1,33x 50mm F1.8 E-Mount

Affordable and durable, The F1.8 camera lens with aluminum enclosure is robust yet lightweight to create cinematic widescreen shots.

Dynamic Cinematic 2.4:1 Videos After de-squeezed, the 50mm F1.8 camera lens produces smooth Cinematic 2.4:1 videos in a 16:9 setting.

Distinctive horizontal flare to give a touch of sci-fi look Built with a precision optical structure and multi-layer Nano coatings, SIRUI 50mm 1.33x Anamorphic camera lens will deliver the distinctive horizontal flare, which is difficult to achieve using normal lens or through post-production.

Oval Bokeh Effect With a simple turn of the F1.8 lens aperture ring, you can optimize the depth of view to create oval bokeh effect to give your work a more cinematic look.

Quality Compact Fit Robust and built with aircraft aluminum alloy and high precision CNC process, this high-quality portable camera lens only weighs approximately 560g and is ready to fit onto a selection of lens mounts.
*The auxiliary camera lens will slightly vary in weight based on the type of the lens mount.

Compatible with Sony E-Mounts and APS-C sensor size.

Quality Compact Fit Robust and built with aircraft aluminum alloy and high precision CNC process, this high-quality portable camera lens only weighs approximately 560g and is ready to fit onto a selection of lens mounts.
*The auxiliary camera lens will slightly vary in weight based on the type of the lens mount

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