Samyang AF 85mm F/1.4 Sony FE II

129.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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The new lens comes equipped with Samyang’s Linear STM (Stepping Motor) which is appreciated by both photographers and videographers with a quieter and more accurate control of the larger and heavier focusing lens groups. Compared to the previous AF 85mm, the new AF 85mm F1.4 FE II is optimized for not only photo, but also video shooting by minimizing vibration and noise.

On the side of the lens is a custom switch, which can be set to manual focus or allow adjustment of the aperture by rotating the focus ring. Below the custom switch is a focus hold button. Pressing this button on the lens will keep the lens locked to that focusing distance. The user can also assign other desired functions to the focus hold button through the menu setting on the camera body.

The lens has a micro-patterned rubber focus ring which feels great to operate and makes it easier if you wear gloves, weather-sealing ensures use even in harsh weather conditions.

Key specifications

  • Lightweight, only 509g
  • Great for stunning portraits
  • Custom switch and focus hold button
  • Equipped with Samyang’s Linear STM (Stepping Motor)
  • 9 diaphragm blades that creates a smooth, creamy, and natural looking bokeh
  • Impressive optical design

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