Sirui Sniper Kit APS-C AF Kit 23mm, 33mm & 56mm

189.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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Sirui Sniper Lens APS-C AF Kit including the lenses 23, 33 & 56mm F1.2

Sirui Sniper lenses are designed for Sony, Fuji X and Nikon Z mirrorless APS-C cameras and its versatile focal lengths allows you to capture everything from sweeping landscapes to dynamic portraits and close-ups.

  • Sirui Sniper AF 23mm F1.2 – equivalent to a 35mm full frame lens, allows you to capture everything from street photo, interior, beautiful landscapes to striking portraits.
  • Sirui Sniper AF 33mm F1.2 – equivalent to a 50mm full frame lens, allows you to capture everything from lifestyle, still life interior to editorial portraits.
  • Sirui Sniper AF 56mm F1.2 – equivalent to a 85mm full frame lens, allows you to capture everything from stunning portraits, food photography to still life and close-ups.

The lens construction consists lenses of 12 elements in 11 groups for the 23mm and 56mm, while the 33mm lens has 11 elements in 10 groups. High Refractive Index Glass lenses and ED (for 33 and 56mm only) lenses have been added to the construction to provide excellent edge-to-edge image quality regardless of focus distance or aperture. 11 aperture blades design creates soft and beautiful bokeh that helps to separate your subject from the background. All lenses in the Sniper series share a uniform 58mm filter thread and same characteristic. Even when shooting with stabilizers or gimbals, lenses can be quickly swapped without having to rebalancing.

  • Cover APS-C & Super35 sensors
  • Ultrafast F1.2 Aperture
  • Both for photo & video
  • Great optical construction
  • Stunning bokeh

About Sirui Sniper APS-C lenses

The Sirui Sniper Series APS-C Autofocus lenses is a series of lenses with large aperture and compact design that boast a quick and accurate autofocus system that leverages an STM motor that supports subject and eye autofocus tracking in both stills and video. The lenses are available for Sony E, Fujifilm X, and Nikon Z mirrorless systems in three different color options. The lenses are also available as a kit including all Sirui Sniper lenses and a hard case.

Whats in the box:

  • 1x Sirui Sniper AF 23mm F1.2
  • 1x Sirui Sniper AF 33mm F1.2
  • 1x Sirui Sniper AF 56mm F1.2
  • 1x Protective lens case
  • 3x Lens hoods

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