Panasonic HC-X2000e

449.990 kr.

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Professional film wherever you are! The Panasonic HC-XC 2000 is the large camcorder in a small package.


Thanks to the newly developed Venus engin, the camera can deliver 4.2.2 10-bit full HD with 59.97p / 50p (100 Mbps) and 4K recording with 29.98p / 25p (200 Mbps) to an SD card. Through the HDMI output you can record 4K / 10 bit even with 59.97p / 50p.

In FHD mode, recording at 120 fps (for 59.94 Hz) / 100 fps (for 50 Hz) is supported. 10-bit recording support and no cropping of the image.

Autofocus can also be used even during super slow motion recording.

Optics and stabilization

The camera is equipped with a lens that covers a range from 25mm wide angle to 600mm telephoto with a 24x optical zoom. In i.ZOOM mode, you get 32x zoom at 4K resolution and 48x zoom at Full HD.

* Equivalent. 35 mm camera.

In addition to the lens’ optical image stabilization, the camera’s electronic image stabilization helps to detect and compensate for shaking. Lens O.I.S. The system includes motor operation with the help of balls which reduces friction and improves the correction of shake sharpness from, for example, smaller hand shakes.

Manual settings

The camera has two wheels for manual settings where you can control iris and focus. The camera also has built-in ND filters in 1/4, 1/16, 1/64.


The camera supports +48V Phantom Power Supply/MIC/LINE. Selectable XLR Audio Input with manual volume for each of 2 channels. Also supported is a 24-bit linear PCM system, 16-bit AAC (MP4), or Dolby Audio system (AVCHD) high-quality 2-channel audio recording.


The camera is of course equipped with wifi and supports streaming directly to platforms such as Facebook, Youtube etc via RTSP / RTP / RTMP / RTMPS (1080)


  • Recording with 4K 10-bit 60p
  • New codec HEVC 200Mbps
  • 25 mm wide angle
  • Optical 4x, face recognition AF / AE
  • Built-in ND filter
  • 2 wheels for manual settings

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