Gemini Thunderbolt 3 Dock & Dual-Drive RAID (12TB x 2) 24TB

239.990 kr.

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Allt í einu tólið fyrir stafræna vinnu, Með tvöföldu drifi og sjö tengjum, þar á meðal SD 4.0/UHS-II fjölmiðlarauf, er OWC Gemini tólið sem mun skipuleggja stafrænt líf þitt. Nægt pláss til að afrita myndefni, búa til og hafa umsjón með skjalasafni eða gera og vinna úr áhrifum. Tengdu uppáhalds jaðartækin þín í gegnum USB tengi. Taktu inn myndatöku dagsins eða drónaupptökur með lesandanum að framan.

Vertu tengdur við teymið og miðla OWC Gemini er með 2,5Gb/s Ethernet tengi svo þú getur flutt skrár og unnið allt að 2,5x hraðar yfir netkerfi og notið aukinnar framleiðni í IP-undirstaða vinnuflæði. Frábært fyrir sameiginleg vinnusvæði og vinnuflæði, Þegar það er kominn tími til að deila framförum þínum geturðu notað RAID valkostina þína til að birta vinnuskrár og hraðvirka tengingu til að senda inn fyrir umsagnir teymi og viðskiptavina. Það er líka frábært til að senda skrárnar þínar yfir á NAS til að geyma þær á öruggan hátt.

  • Afköst geymsla: allt að 562MB/s1
  • Hröð tenging: (2) Thunderbolt 3 tengi (Thunderbolt 2/Thunderbolt afturábak samhæft)
  • Hraði og geymsla: RAID stjórnandi vélbúnaðar (RAID 0,1, Span eða JBOD/Independent)
  • Auðvelt að hlaða: SD 4.0 (UHS-II) kortalesari að framan
  • Miðstöð valkosta: (2) USB 3.2 (10Gb/s) Type-A tengi
  • Tengstu við NAS: 2,5Gb/s Ethernet tengi
  • Sjá verk í vinnslu: HDMI 2.1 til að bæta við allt að 8K skjá
  • Sérsniðnar stillingar: (2) hólf fyrir 2,5 tommu eða 3,5 tommu SATA eða U.2 drif
  • Innergize virkt: fullkomið stjórnunartæki
  • 3 ára OWC ábyrgð


The Do-It-All Tool for Digital Workflows With dual drive bays and seven connectivity ports including an SD 4.0/UHS-II media slot, the OWC Gemini is the do-it-all tool that will organize your digital life. You’ll have plenty of room to duplicate footage, create and manage archives, or render and process effects. Connect your favorite peripherals via USB ports. Ingest the day’s shoot or drone footage with the frontside reader.


  • Performance storage: up to 562MB/s1
  • Fast connectivity: (2) Thunderbolt 3 ports (Thunderbolt 2/Thunderbolt backward compatible)
  • Speed and storage: hardware RAID controller (RAID 0,1, Span or JBOD/Independent)
  • Easy camera uploads: frontside SD 4.0 (UHS-II) card reader
  • A hub of options: (2) USB 3.2 (10Gb/s) Type-A ports
  • Connect to your NAS: 2.5Gb/s Ethernet port
  • See work in progress: HDMI 2.1 for adding up to an 8K monitor
  • Custom configurations: (2) bays for 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch SATA or U.2 drives
  • Innergize enabled: a complete health, performance, and field update management tool when using OWC Atlas SD memory cards with Gemini’s SD reader.
  • 3 Year OWC Limited Warranty

Hardware RAID: Speed, Reliability, Flexibility The OWC Gemini utilizes hardware RAID to unleash the full potential of two 3.5-inch 7200RPM hard drives or 2.5-inch SATA SSDs. Preconfigured in high-speed RAID 0 mode to deliver maximum throughput from its drives, Gemini offers real-world HDD speeds up to 562MB/s for audio editors/musicians/producers, individual content creators, photographers, small photography studios, and filmmakers working with up to 4K resolutions and compressed codecs. A/V professionals seeking SSDs that start and stay fast over their full capacity can take advantage of the proven reliability of OWC Mercury Extreme SSDs. With sustained RAID 0 speed up to 956MB/s, you can easily handle 8K single and 4K multi sequences, slow motion video, 10 bits footage, and ultra-high-resolution RAW pictures. If you desire the extra security of mirrored data, you can configure the Mercury Gemini in RAID 1 mode. Need more drive flexibility? Set up a span to combine the capacity of the two drives into one huge volume or use the drives as independent volumes.

Stay Connected to Your Team and Media The OWC Gemini features a 2.5Gb/s Ethernet port so you can transfer files and work up to 2.5x faster over wired networks and enjoy increased productivity in an IP-based workflow. Great for shared workspaces and workflows, file transfers breeze by quickly so you spend less time setting up and more time getting to work. When it’s time to share your progress, you can use your RAID options to render out working files and a fast connection to post for team and client reviews. It’s also great for sending your files over to a NAS to keep them safely archived.

Gain a 8K Perspective With a dedicated latest generation HDMI port, Gemini empowers you to add the fresh, crisp perspective of an 8K display to your workflow. Whether in your home office or on a mobile studio job, seeing your work in full detail is just one connection away. Use it to free up your laptop port, so you can dock in and out quickly and stay mobile.

Reclaim Your Desktop With multi-drive media dumps, controllers, A/V outputs, and a mess of device cables, it can be hard enough to find space for your notebook let alone room to work. OWC Gemini fights the clutter with a single-cable connection that delivers storage, ethernet sharing, charging power, and 8K monitor support while neatly consolidating all your peripheral device cables. Reclaim your workspace and reduce your stress.

Finally, a RAID as Mobile as Your Life With the built-in hardware-based RAID controller, you get speed and security without being dependent on what operating system you are running. If you work in a cross-platform world, you can easily connect OWC Gemini to Mac and PC using OWC’s MacDrive software (sold separately).

Disconnect in One Click Safely disconnect multiple drives in a single click. OWC Dock Ejector was designed by OWC hardware and software engineers to ensure all data is written before disconnection, saving time and protecting against data loss. It makes losing your hard-earned work a thing of the past.

OWC Thunderbolt Cable Included OWC Gemini comes with a certified 0.7M OWC Thunderbolt Cable. But if your workflow demands a different length to make the connection, OWC Thunderbolt (USB-C) Cables are the perfect choice.

Stabilize Thunderbolt and USB-C Cables Active workspaces expose gear to bumps, shoves, or even the random tail wag from a pet. OWC ClingOn custom cable stabilizers (sold separately) screw into the OWC Dock or OWC Drive housing to reduce – if not completely eliminate – cable strain on Thunderbolt and USB-C connections so you can work with confidence even in the highest traffic environments.

Innergize Your Workflow with Highest Performance and Reliability OWC Innergize is the first stage of the Capture to Completion ecosystem of OWC products designed to seamlessly propel professional photographers, videographers, and content creators to the highest level of workflow performance and reliability. This OWC custom-designed app is a complete health, performance, and field upgrade management tool when using OWC Atlas memory cards with OWC Atlas readers and reader equipped products.

Health Over time and use cycles, flash memory does wear out. Innergize verifies and reports the percentage of use life remaining. Now you can work with full confidence your OWC flash memory product will deliver the reliability you can trust.

Sanitize Writes, deletes, and formatting all take their toll on memory cards. Innergize cleans and restores the flash memory performance of OWC memory cards so you can get the best results on every use.

Field Upgrade When new cameras or firmware updates to existing cameras are introduced, they may not work properly with flash memory cards and drives. Innergize gives OWC memory card users the ability to quickly upgrade their firmware in the field for full compatibility, additional performance enhancements, and bug fixes for optimal reliability.

1. Thunderbolt 2/Thunderbolt compatibility requires a certified Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 (mDP) adapter and a Thunderbolt 2 cable. This configuration provides data transfer at Thunderbolt 2 speeds (up to 20Gb/s) but does not support notebook charging.


  • (1) OWC Gemini Thunderbolt Dock and External Storage Solution
  • (1) 0.7M (29″) Thunderbolt (USB-C) Cable
  • (1) External Power Supply and Power Cable
  • (1) Quick Start Guide for OWC Gemini
  • (1) User Guide for OWC Gemini
  • (1) OWC Dock Ejector for Mac and Windows (software download)
  • (1) User Guide for OWC Dock Ejector
  • 3 Year OWC Limited Warranty

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