OWC Envoy Pro FX 1TB Thunderbolt SSD diskur

69.990 kr.

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

Til í verslun - Laugavegi 178

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  • OWC Envoy Pro FX 1TB Thunderbolt SSD diskur
  • 1Tb SSD diskur með USB-C 3,2
  • Hraði allt að 2800MB/s
  • NVMe SSD
  • Byggður eins og tankur: Vottaður rykheldur, fallheldur og vatnsheldur
  • Virkar með Mac og PC

**The Fastest, Most Compatible Drive Ever ** The Envoy Pro FX is the first universal Thunderbolt drive of its kind. It’s also the fastest and most reliable portable drive available today. This breakout SSD’s out-of-this-world performance and flexible compatibility won it a Gold Stevie at the American Business Awards. But that’s not all. It’s also one of Techradar.pro 2021 Picks Award Winners, and BGR gave the Envoy Pro FX the Best of CES Award. This plug-and-play wunderkind even took home the MacWorld Editor’s Choice Award for 2021. With prices starting at $219, this trailblazing drive is so affordable that there’s no reason to settle for a lesser model.

The Portable SSD for All Computerkind The Envoy Pro FX is the first portable SSD with out-of-this-world performance and compatibility. Plug it into yesterday’s and today’s Thunderbolt and USB equipped Macs and PCs. Plug it into tomorrow’s Thunderbolt 4 and USB4 machines. You can even plug it into iPad Pro, Chromebook, and Surface devices. Imagine… never having to worry about what your external drive interface or compatibility!

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